Fates from Poland 1939-1945
The memorial for the victims of the war and the German Occupation

Piotr Pyrzyk

date of birth: 1907-10-17, place of birth: WĘGLOWICE, father's name: Jan, mother's name: Maria, date of death: 1945-02-04

fate: prisoner of concentration camp, date of arrest: 1944-12-..., place of internment: MAUTHAUSEN -GUSEN, date of release: 1945-02-...

Data source: Archiwum Akt Nowych, zespół 2680 Fundacja Polsko-Niemieckie Pojednanie, signature: Z22234, aan.gov.pl

fate: prisoner of concentration camp died, place of internment: Mauthausen, date of death: 1945-02-04, : nr. O.K.104980 SP.

Data source: document: Akta Konstantego Radzkiego, Archiwum Akt Nowych, signature: 1/127, aan.gov.pl

fate: prisoner of concentration camp died, prisoner's number: 104980, place of internment: Mauthausen, date of death: 1945-02-04

Data source: organization: Polski Czerwony Krzyż, pck.pl, additional information: Listy Polaków zmarłych w obozie Mauthausen i komandach

fate: prisoner of concentration camp died, prisoner's number: 104980, place of internment: Mauthausen, date of death: 1945-02-04

Data source: organization: KZ-Gedenkstätte Mauthausen, mauthausen-memorial.at

fate: prisoner of concentration camp, place of internment: GROSS-ROSEN

prisoner of concentration camp, prisoner's number: 104980, date of beginning: 1944-09-20, place of internment: MAUTHAUSEN

Data source: Archiwum Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, signature: IPN GK 131/13, ipn.gov.pl
