date of birth: 1910-11-21, place of birth: Dorohusk, date of death: 1942-10-31
fate: prisoner of concentration camp, place of arrest: Lublin, place of internment: Auschwitz, date of death: 1942-10-31, place of death: Auschwitz, : 38276/1942
Data source: Księga zgonów Auschwitz
fate: prisoner, prisoner's number: 14806, date of beginning: 1941-04-06, place of internment: Auschwitz, date of death: 1942-10-28, place of death: Auschwitz, : prawd. rozstrzelany (wg. dokum. zmarł 1942.10.31)
Data source: Księga Pamięci. Transporty Polaków do KL Auschwitz z Lublina i innych miejscowości Lubelszczyzny 1940-1944 t.1 published in (year) 2009