date of birth: 1912-08-18, place of birth: Andrichau, date of death: 1941-10-31
fate: prisoner of concentration camp, place of arrest: Batzdorf Ost, place of internment: Auschwitz, date of death: 1941-10-31, place of death: Auschwitz, : 3459/1941
Data source: Księga zgonów Auschwitz
fate: prisoner of prison, place of internment: Bielsko
prisoner of concentration camp, prisoner's number: 17814, place of internment: Auschwitz
Data source: Klistała Jerzy Martyrologium mieszkańców Bielska Białej, Bystrej Czechowic, Dziedzic, Jaisenicy, Jaworza, Komorowic, Kóz, Mikuszowic, Porąbki, Szczyrku, Wilamowic, Wilkowic, Zabrzega w latach 1939-1945 published in (year) 2008
fate: prisoner of concentration camp died, prisoner's number: 17814, date of beginning: 1941-07-05, place of internment: Auschwitz, date of death: 1941-10-31, place of death: Auschwitz
Data source: Pająk Irena Mieszkaricy Śląska, Podbeskidzia, Żagłębia Dąbrowskigo w KL Auschwitz t.1 published in (year) 1998, published in (place) Katowice