Fates from Poland 1939-1945
The memorial for the victims of the war and the German Occupation

Michał Byra

date of birth: 1914-09-22, place of birth: Oseredek, place of resistance: Oseredek, district: Tomaszów Lubelski, job: rolnik, date of death: 1943-01-18

fate: prisoner of prison died, place of internment: Sosnowiec, date of death: 1943-01-18, : nr aktu zgonu: 803 podana przyczyna zgonu: gruźlica płuc

Data source: redakcja Andrzej Szefer Więzienia hitlerowskie na Śląsku w Zagłębiu Dąbrowskim i w Częstochowie 1939-1945 published in (year) 1983, published in (place) Katowice
