date of birth: 1905-07-27, place of birth: Pstrokonie k. Zapolic, job: robotnik rolny, date of death: 1945-02-06
fate: prisoner of concentration camp, prisoner's number: 120330, place of arrest: Łódź, date of beginning: 1943-05-06, place of internment: Auschwitz, date of death: 1945-02-06, place of death: Mau
prisoner, date of beginning: 1944, place of death: Mauthausen
Data source: Bohdan Piętka Księga Pamięci. Transporty Polaków do KL Auschwitz zWielkopolski, Pomorza, Ciechanowskiego i Białostoczyzny published in (year) 2013, published in (place) Oświęcim