date of birth: 1909-11-24, place of birth: STAWY, country: POLSKA, father's name: Józef, place of resistance: STARACHOWICE, country: POLSKA, date of death: 1943-11-29
fate: prisoner of concentration camp died, place of arrest: STARACHOWICE, date of arrest: 1943, place of internment: KL AUSCHWITZ - BIRKENAU, date of release: 1943-11-29, : SKAZANY NA ŚMIERĆ PRZEZ POLICYJNY SĄD DORAŹNY STANDGERICHT
Data source: organization: FPNP,
fate: sentenced by German courts, place of process/ judgement: Sąd doraźny katowickiego gestapo, date of death: 1943-11-29, place of death: Auschwitz, : wyrok: wyrok śmierci wyrok wykonano
Data source: Pająk Irena Mieszkaricy Śląska, Podbeskidzia, Żagłębia Dąbrowskigo w KL Auschwitz t.2 published in (year) 1998, published in (place) Katowice