date of birth: 1922-01-18, place of birth: Lukawa, date of death: 1944-11-21
fate: worker sentenced to forced labour died, site of operation: Friedberg, date of beginning: 1940-03-21, ending: 1944-11-21, : Selbstmord
Data source: document: Reihengrab Nr. 4 Südanlage L II., Wetteraukreis, signature: 37,, additional information: Zwangsarbeit in der Wetterau
fate: died on the German territory, date of death: 1944-11-21, place of death: FRIEDBERG, place of burial: FRIEDBERG, : BUNDESLAND-HESSEN
Data source: organization: Rada Ochrony Pamięci Walk i Męczeństwa, additional information: groby polskie na terenie Niemiec