date of birth: 1899-07-30, date of death: 1942-10-05
fate: deported, date of death: 1942-10-05, place of burial: Hessen, Borken,Hess.-Trockenerfurth
Data source: organization: Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V.,, additional information: VL_GEB_PL -Gräber in Deutschland SEITE 1
fate: died on the German territory, date of death: 1942-10-05, place of death: BORKEN
Data source: organization: Rada Ochrony Pamięci Walk i Męczeństwa, additional information: groby polskie na terenie Niemiec
fate: died on the German territory, date of death: 1942-10-05, place of burial: Borken, Trockenerfurth Friedhof
Data source: organization: FPNP