date of birth: 1893-07-03, place of birth: Warszawa, date of death: 1945-01-18
fate: died on the German territory, date of death: 1945-01-18, place of death: WAIHINGEN-ENSING, place of burial: FRANKFURTM, : BAD.-WÜRTTEMBERG
Data source: organization: Rada Ochrony Pamięci Walk i Męczeństwa, additional information: groby polskie na terenie Niemiec
fate: prisoner of concentration camp died, prisoner's number: 37225, place of internment: Natzweiler (Vaihingen), : do Vaihingen przywieziony z Frankfurt/M.
prisoner, date of death: 1945-01-18, place of death: Vaihingen
Data source: organization: Muzeum KZ-Gedenkstätte in Vaihinge an der Enz,