date of birth: 1926-08-15, place of birth: ZARNIKI [ZERNIKI], job: ROLNIK, date of death: 1943-11-21
fate: prisoner of concentration camp, prisoner's number: 4530, date of beginning: 1943-04-30, place of internment: MAJDANEK
prisoner of concentration camp, date of beginning: 1943-07-30, place of internment: Buchenwald
prisoner, date of death: 1943-11-21, place of death: BUCHENWALD
Data source: Państwowe Muzeum na Majdanku, signature: APMM, XI-19, V. 3, K. 283-284; XI-42, V. 21, K. 376; XVIII-428, K. 138; XIX-807, K. 44-45,